An Alfa Romeo catalytic converter is a cleaning system located in the exhaust system that removes the harmful components in the gas before they are emitted in the exhaust system. These harmful components are the nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxides which are by-product of the process of combustion. Alfa Romeo catalytic converters are equipped with two catalysts: the reduction catalyst and the oxidation catalyst. Both are made from metal with a ceramic structure covered with palladium, platinum or rhodium. The rhodium and platinum components of the converters are used to minimize nitrogen oxides by pulling out the nitrogen atom from the molecule and bonding it with other nitrogen atoms to form harmless N2. The oxidation catalyst reduces the unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by burning them over a palladium and platinum catalyst.
Some factors can also cause damage to the Alfa Romeo catalytic converter by overheating it causing its meltdown. Ignition or engine misfire as well as a cracked valve which can cause unburnt fuel in the exhaust are some factors. For cases like these, repair is not possible. Getting a brand new superbly functioning Alfa Romeo is what you need. Order from our online store and you will be assured of guaranteed satisfaction with the product as well as all other services.